
Showing posts from February, 2017

Cooking and Budgeting Family Meals

Cooking and Budgeting Family Meals ~ an ongoing theme to help you feed your family well. My goal here at Cooking On A Budget has always been to create recipes that cater to those of us whose financial situations are not the greatest. Not all of the recipes are totally budget-friendly as we've been known to allow ourselves a "splurge" once in a while. If you are a Mom or Dad out there who is having a difficult time feeding your family for not a lot of money, then I recommend reading further. Read more »

Cooking and Budgeting Dinners For Two

Cooking and Budgeting Dinners For Two ~ because sometimes life demands you to be savvy! We've not had it easy since October of 2016. Me with health issues and on top of that, my husband hasn't had the little extra jobs that in the past have helped us "get by". It's been tough and recently it was getting harder and harder. I am most positive there are many people in this situation that can identify. The struggle to feed your family is real. It's just the two of us; the kids are all grown and on their own and I've often said I don't know how families are managing to feed their families on so little money. I have never not had financial struggles to some degree, which is why in part, I started Cooking On A Budget. Read more »

Curve Balls

Sometimes life throws us curve balls. Unexpected to say the least these curve balls often end up setting a chain of events you did not see coming. That's what happened to me last October. What I thought was carpal tunnel syndrome and so did my PC, was indeed not that. It has taken from the first or second week of October to this week to determine what the cause of the severe pain in my right arm is. Turns out I have degenerative disc disease. Because of that, I have had severe pain in my right arm all along. It has rendered me incapable of doing most everything including cooking, baking and blogging. I am sorry I have not posted anything in a while, but the pain has been intense and typing is so difficult. Starting next week I begin a series of steroid shots for which they will put me under to receive these treatments. It is expected that I should do well, but there are cases where that does not alleviate the pain. In those cases the last resort is surgery. Hoping that the shots do...